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Mazda Avrupa ve Mazda nın Türkiye deki geleceği


Tavsiye Edilen Mesajlar


Biliyorsunuz Mazda, Mermerler ile yazın başında yolunu ayırdı ve o günden beri birçok soru işareti hepimizin aklında.

Kimseden bir cevap alamayınca ben de Mazda Europe un halkla ilişkiler bölümüne mail yazdım.

Mailde kısaca Türkiyedeki ortamdan , havada uçuşan haberlerden , belirsizliklerden ve beklentilerimizden bahsettim

Çok farklı bir bilgi içermese de bize bir mail dönme nezaketini göstermişler.

Olduğu şekliyle sizinle paylaşıyorum. Zaman bulursam da Türkçeye çevirmeye çalışırım

Dear Burak,

thank you very much for your e-mail and for your passion and patience.

As you might have heart Mazda will establish its own National Sales Company (NSC) in Turkey.

Please find attached the press release we announced today. We are looking forward to seeing our new NSC grow. And we are sure that the future will bring more information for you.

Could we ask you for some more patience?

Thank you very much in advance and we hope your passion will be shared by many more Turkish people.

Best wishes and Zoom-Zoom

Your PR-Team


Mazda Motor Europe GmbH

Public Relations

Hitdorfer Str. 73

D-51371 Leverkusen


Tel: +49-2173-943 156

Fax: +49-2173-943 553

E-mail: mazda-press@mazdaeur.com

Mazda to Establish

National Sales Company in Turkey

Leverkusen, 21st September 2007. Mazda will establish its own National Sales Company (NSC) in Turkey, it was announced today. This follows a structural reorganisation within Mazda Motor Corporation that has transferred responsibility for the Turkish market to Mazda Motor Europe. This move is part of Mazda’s successful ongoing strategy to establish wholly owned distribution subsidiaries in Europe.  Over 90 percent of Mazda sales volume now comes from wholly-owned subsidiaries.

“Our first priority in Turkey is to support existing Mazda vehicle owners,” said James Muir, President and CEO Mazda Motor Europe. “We will be taking a two-phase approach to the Mazda network in Turkey – first, Service and Repair, and second Sales”.

Mazda recently outlined its future plans in Istanbul to interested Repairers from across Turkey. Over 80 percent of all previous Repairers have expressed an interest in having new agreements.  Mazda Vice President – Sales, Philip Waring said “We are delighted by the high level of interest expressed and the enthusiasm about the future”. It is expected that agreements will be signed and commence during October to ensure countrywide coverage for existing owners. The new Authorised Repairer network will receive Parts and Accessories from the Mazda Logistics Centre in Belgium rather than Japan, as previously. 

In establishing the future Sales network, Mazda will focus on areas with the necessary sales potential to ensure that Mazda Sales dealerships will be able to provide facilities to meet the exacting requirements of the Turkish customer.

Throughout the remainder of this year, Mazda will further develop its customer service network and recruit a dedicated team of local employees for the new NSC, based in Istanbul. Key appointments will be the subject of future releases.

# # #

For further information contact:

Mazda Motor Europe

Public Relations

Tel: +49 2173 943 156

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bu adamlar işi biliyor O0 umarım burda da Rusya da elde ettikleri basarıyı yakalar markaya hakettiği değeri kazandırırlar.. Rusya da satıslar aynı burda oldugu gibi yılda 3.000 arac civarı idi bundan 3 sene öncesine kadar.. mazda kendisi girdi pazara burda olacagı gibi ve satıslar su an yıllık 25-30.000 civarlarında :)

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Zaten basın açıklamasında da o var . Satışların %90 ının kendi kurdukları firmalar tarafından yapıldığını söylüyorlar.

Yedek parçaların Belçikadan gelmesi zaman açısından avantaj olur peki fiyatlarda bir avantaj sağlar mı ki ?

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bence baya farkeder.. cünkü parcanın bi japonya dan gelmesi var bide belçika dan.. arabalarda aynı sekilde, daa yakından gelecekler.. ayrıca yedek parcada artık distribütör payı olmayacak..

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Adamlar senin mektubu alınca basın açıklaması yapmak ihtiyacı hissetmişler Burak, bravo diyorum sana Patron.. :clap: :clap:

Not: Birisi yerlere akan yağları temizlesin lütfen.... :)

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